
摘要: 两癌筛查对于保障妇女健康有重要意义,全国各地两癌筛查工作均逐步纳入政府惠民工程,相关费用由财政负担。但是在实际筛查管理中,存在如下
Two cancer screening is of great significance to protect women's health. The two cancer screening work across the country has been gradually incorporated into the government's benefit project, and the relevant costs are borne by the government. However, in the actual screening management, there are the following problems:
1. Repeated screening
Women of school age participate in two cancer screening in many places in a year or repeat the screening within the specified year, resulting in a waste of resources.
2. Manual filling is time-consuming and laborious
When doctors go to the grass-roots level for screening, they first print the screening report and fill it in manually on site. For the inspection items, they need to get the inspection report and then transcribe it. After all the items are filled in, they will summarize and count the data and report it.
3. The workload cannot be accurately counted
The two cancer screening is paid to the relevant units by the way that the government purchases services, so the premise is to accurately carry out each work of each unit in the screening process. The traditional manual method can only be based on the report data submitted by the grass-roots units, but cannot establish accurate statistics based on cases.
4. No continuous screening data
The screening system based on manual or stand-alone version cannot centrally manage the two cancer screening data suitable for women for many times, and cannot consult the previous medical history information during diagnosis, which affects the development of relevant scientific research projects.
In view of the current situation and problems encountered in the above screening work, it is proposed to use the Internet and big data analysis technology to carry out information management of the two cancer screening work.
The above is a detailed introduction to the two cancer screening systems, which I hope will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service //qdclab.com/
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